
The System Status overview shows basic data about the device.


Option Description Sample value
Hostname The hostname for the gateway. Inteno
Model Gateway model. DG400A
Firmware Version Version of installed firmware. DG400-WU7UINT3.5.5-1605131617
Kernel Version The gateway operating system kernel version. 3.11
Filesystem Filesystem used in gateway storage. UBIFS
BRCM Version (Broadcom Devices only) Version number for the Broadcom driver. 4.16L.04
Local Time Time according to the gateway internal clock. Mon May 23 2016 17:21:12 GMT+0200 (CEST)
Uptime Time the gateway has been runnning since last startup. 5d 2h 53m 14s
CPU Percentage of CPU processing in use. 0%
Active Connections Number and percentage of connections to the gateway. 259 / 7660 (3%)