Record Resource Types
Resource records are used by Domain Name Systems to identify and manage domain data.
Each record has name, number, time to live, a class, and data specific to its type.
The transmission format for resource record is specified in RFC 1035.
This list of DNS resource record types is an overview of resource records permissible in zone files of the Domain Name System (DNS).
Type | Type id. (decimal) | Defining RFC | Description | Function |
A | 1 | RFC 1035 | Address record | |
AAAA | 28 | RFC 3596 | IPv6 address record | |
AFSDB | 18 | RFC 1183 | AFS database record | |
APL | 42 | RFC 3123 | Address Prefix List | |
CAA | 257 | RFC 6844 | Certification Authority Authorization | |
CDNSKEY | 60 | RFC 7344 | Child DNSKEY | |
CDS | 59 | RFC 7344 | Child DS | |
CERT | 37 | RFC 4398 | Certificate record | |
CNAME | 5 | RFC 1035 | Canonical name record | |
DHCID | 49 | RFC 4701 | DHCP identifier | |
DLV | 32769 | RFC 4431 | DNSSEC Lookaside Validation record | |
DNAME | 39 | RFC 6672 | Alias for a name and all its subnames, unlike CNAME, which is an alias for only the exact name. | |
DNSKEY | 48 | RFC 4034 | DNS Key record | |
DS | 43 | RFC 4034 | Delegation signer | |
IPSECKEY | 45 | RFC 4025 | IPsec Key | |
KEY | 25 | RFC 2535 and RFC 2930 | Key record | |
KX | 36 | RFC 2230 | Key Exchanger record | |
LOC | 29 | RFC 1876 | Location record | |
MX | 15 | RFC 1035 and RFC 7505 | Mail exchange record | |
NAPTR | 35 | RFC 3403 | Naming Authority Pointer | |
NS | 2 | RFC 1035 | Name server record | |
NSEC | 47 | RFC 4034 | Next Secure record | |
NSEC3 | 50 | RFC 5155 | Next Secure record version 3 | |
NSEC3PARAM | 51 | RFC 5155 | NSEC3 parameters | |
PTR | 12 | RFC 1035 | Pointer record | |
RRSIG | 46 | RFC 4034 | DNSSEC signature | |
RP | 17 | RFC 1183 | Responsible Person | |
SIG | 24 | RFC 2535 | Signature | |
SOA | 6 | RFC 1035 and RFC 2308 | Start of [a zone of] authority record | |
SRV | 33 | RFC 2782 | Service locator | |
SSHFP | 44 | RFC 4255 | SSH Public Key Fingerprint | |
TA | 32768 | N/A | DNSSEC Trust Authorities | |
TKEY | 249 | RFC 2930 | Transaction Key record | |
TLSA | 52 | RFC 6698 | TLSA certificate association | |
TSIG | 250 | RFC 2845 | Transaction Signature | |
TXT | 16 | RFC 1035 | Text record | |
URI | 256 | RFC 7553 | Uniform Resource Identifier |