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glossary:t:tcp_flags [2018/06/11 18:54]
glossary:t:tcp_flags [2018/06/11 18:54] (current)
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 +# TCP Flags
 +Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Flags are control bits for [TCP](/​glossary/​t/​tcp) messages. These flags indicate how packets should be handled or indicate connection states.
 +^ Flag ^ Description ^
 +| SYN | Synchronize sequence numbers. |
 +| ACK | Acknowledgment field is significant. |
 +| FIN | No more data from sender. |
 +| RST | Reset the connection. |
 +| URG | Urgent pointer field is significant. |
 +| PSH | Push function. |
 +| CWR | Congestion Window Reduced. |
 +| ECE | TCP peer is ECN capable. |