SIP Accounts

The SIP Accounts view shows information about configured SIP accounts for the device.


At the top of the page is a list of selectable accounts.

When a particular account is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Item Description
Enabled Turn account on or off.
Account Name Name of SIP account.
SIP domain name Name of SIP domain.
SIP Username The SIP account username for the account.
SIP Authentication Name SIP Authentication Name used with password to register with SIP server.
SIP Password Enter new password to change.
Show Key Text Display the password.
Display Name Display name used in Caller ID.
SIP Server/Registrar Address for SIP server.
SIP Server/Registrar Port Port for SIP server.
SIP Outbound Proxy Address for outbound proxy.
SIP Outbound Proxy Port Port for outbound proxy.
Incoming Phone Lines Check boxes for connected phone line ports.
Preferred codecs Order of preference for SIP codecs.
G.711MuLaw Packetization Packetization setting for G.711MuLaw.
G.726 Packetization Packetization setting for G.726.
G.729a Packetization Packetization setting for G.711ALaw.
G.G.729a Packetization Packetization setting for G.729a.
Autoframing Negotiate packetization when call is established.
SIP Transport UDP / TCP / TLS
Encryption Use Secure Real-time Transport Protocol.
Use as Fax Indicate that this SIP account will be used for a fax machine. This will force some settings.
Mailbox Voicemail inbox.

Add account

You can add as many accounts as you needed.

To add a account: