Extensible Markup Language - XML - is a markup language standard for documents that aims to be readable for both humans and machines, while separating the markup form the content.


XML content consists of “start”, “end” and “empty” Tags (E.g.: <section> / <section> / <line-break />), which make up elements containing data (E.g.: <greeting>Hello, world!</greeting> / <line-break />).

Elements can contain other elements (child elements) and form a tree: (E.g.: <name><first>Firstname</first><last>Lastname</last></name> / <line-break />).

Start and empty tags can contain any number of unique Attributes consisting of name-value pairs (E.g.: <img src="logo.png" alt="Logo" />).

Optionally, XML files can start with an XML declaration (E.g.: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) identifying aspects of the XML content.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>