{{indexmenu_n>40}} # Band Steering The **Band Steering** view shows information about [band steering](/glossary/b/band_steering). ### Status The **status** section shows the current band steering status. The information is displayed in the `STA info summary` table. ^ Column ^ Description ^ | STA_MAC | Station (client) [MAC](/glossary/m/mac) address. | | Interface | Client [interface](/glossary/n/network_interface) name. | | TimeStamp | Timestamp for the steering event. | | Tx_rate | Transmission rate. | | RSSI | [Received signal strength indicator ](/glossary/r/rssi). | | Bounce | Does the client bounce back to a particular bandafter steering? (`yes`/`no`). | | Picky | Does the client prefer a particular band? (`yes`/`no`). | | PSTA | Is the client a [proxy](/glossary/p/proxy) station? (`yes`/`no`). | | DUALBAND | Is the client dual-band capable? (`yes`/`no`). | ### Log The **log** section contains the log file, which shows the band steering events. The information is displayed in the `Band Steering Record` table. ^ Column ^ Description ^ | Seq |  |  | TimeStamp | Timestamp for the steering event. |  | STA_MAC | Station (client) [MAC](/glossary/m/mac) address. | | Fm_ch | From channel (hex code). |  | To_ch | To channel (hex code). |  | Reason | Event (hex code). |  | Description | Description of event. |