# JSON JavaScript Object Notation - JSON - is a language independent data-interchange format. It aims to be easy for humans to read and write while maintaining a strict structure to enable simple machine parsing and creation. More information is available at [http://www.json.org/](http://www.json.org/) ## Syntax JSON consists of *objects*, consisting of a *key* and a *value*. Keys must be strings, written with double quotes: `` Values must be one of the following: * an other JSON object * a double-quoted value: * a string * a number * an array * a boolean * null ## Example: ```json { "Coonfig": { "Version": "V5.5-F", "configurationEnabled": "false", "pmaPort": "26401", "pmaNetworkProtocol": "2", "pmaRequestTimeoutSeconds": "60", "useHttpProxy": "false", "httpProxyPort": "0" } } ```