# URL Filter An URL filter excludes certain URL types from execution. URLs can be filtered out based on a number of criteria, which can be used together or separately as needed: ^ Filer ^ Description ^ Comment ^ | Binary Data | Non-[ASCII](/glossary/a/ascii) content data with a `200 (ok)` [status code](/glossary/h/http_code). | This will strip away all images and other kinds of binary data. | | CSS, JS (HTML Only) | Text/[ASCII](/glossary/a/ascii) data not in HTML format with a `200 (ok)` [status code](/glossary/h/http_code). | This will strip away [CSS](/glossary/c/css) and JavaScript files. | | Cached Data (304) | Browser-side cached URLs received with a `304 (found)` [status code](/glossary/h/http_code). | Recommended. | | Errors | All errors [status code](/glossary/h/http_code) `400` and above, and all URLs with an incomplete response. | If not enabled, a reported error will count as a successful connection. | | Host | [Hostname](/glossary/h/hostname) exclusion/inclusion filtering. | | ## Hostname Exclusion/Inclusion Host filtering can be used to exclude and/or include traffic from particular [hostnames](/glossary/h/hostname). The filter can consist of a list of hostnames, separated by comma. You can also explicitly exclude hosts by adding `!` before the hostname. ### Examples ``` www.example.com,media.example.com ``` All traffic *not* from `www.example.com` or `media.example.com` will be excluded. ``` !media.example.com ``` Traffic from `media.example.com` will be excluded.