
For each connected client, more infomation about the connected client is available.


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Item Description Example
IP-Address Client IPv4 address.
MAC-Address Client MAC address.  1A:97:1C:C7:76:63
DHCP Does client use DHCP?  true
Idle Is the device transmitting?  0
In Network ID for connected network.  74
RSSI Received signal strength indicator value.  -42 dBm
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio value.  41 dB
Number of Antennas Client antennas in use.  2
TX Rate Transmission rate.  130 Mbps
RX Rate Receive rate.  144 Mbps
Flags Provided device flags.  BRCM, WME, N_CAP, AMPDU
HT Capabilities Supported HT Capabilities (data rates).  LDPC, BW40, SGI20, SGI40
TX Total Packets Total number of transmitted packets.  22589
Unicast Packets Total packets transmitted through unicast.  224
TX Unicast Packets Packets transmitted through unicast.  224
TX Multicast/Broadcast Packets Packets transmitted through multicast.  22365
TX Failures Transmission failures.  0
RX Data Packets Received packets.  440
RX Unicast Packets Received packets transmitted through unicast.  209
RX Multicast/Broadcast Packets Received packets transmitted through multicast.  231
TX Data Packets Retried Resent data packets.  0
TX Total Packets Sent Total data packets transmitted through unicast.  7
TX Packets Retries Retransmitted data packets.  1
TX Packets Retry Exhausted Data Packets failed after retry.  0
RX Total Packets Retried Retransmitted data packets.  107