The Advanced SIP Settings view lets you configure detailed parameters for your SIP services.

Item Description
Sip Proxy servers Proxies to allow incoming calls from.
Bind Interface Restrict listening to particular WAN interface.
Bindport Port to use for UDP listening.
User Agent Custom User-Agent information in the SIP header.
RTP Port Range Ports to use for RTP
DTMF Mode Mode for DTMF (Compatibility / RFC 2833 / SIP INFO / Inband).
Register Interval Time in seconds between registration attempts.
Realm SIP Realm for digest authentication.
Localnet Network addresses that are considered inside of the NAT network.
Register Attempts Number of registration attempts before giving up.
Register Timeout Time before giving up a registration attempt.
Register Back-off Attempts Number of attempts before back-off.
Register Back-off Timeout Time in back-off before giving up attempt to register.
Remote Hold Send hold events to proxy (Let network handle music on hold).
SRV Lookup Enable DNS SRV lookup.
DNS Manager Enable Asterisk DNS manager.
DNS Manager Refresh Interval Refresh interval for the DNS manager.
Line suffix in contact header Add suffix to SIP contact header with information about called lines.
SIP DiffServ Differentiated services type of service for SIP data.
Audio DiffServ Differentiated services type of service for audio data.
Congestion tone Tone to play on congestion. (Congestion / Info)
STUN server STUN service provider.
TLS/SSL Version TLS v1 / TLS v2 / TLS v3.
Cipher string Cipher identifier string.
Trusted CA Public key for a trusted Certificate Authority.

Trusted CA Certificate

To add a Trusted CA Certificate key: