1. Create all the interface sections needed each corresponding to one of the network interfaces that should be tracked by Multiwan. Make sure that the Host(s) to ping are reachable from the interface when the interface is working correctly and that the interface is Enabled! All network interfaces used in Multiwan must work by them self and all of them need to have a default route, this is only possible if the interfaces have different metric set in the network configuration. 2. Create at least one member per interface giving it appropriate Metric and Weight. A good naming practice is to name the Members _m_w, this way they will be easy to add to the Policies. 3. Create at least one Policy containing at least two members each. 4. Set up the rules to the specifications. Example: some traffic might only be relevant on one interface when other traffic can be ether balanced or used in a fallback scenario (One interface as default and a fallback if the default goes down).