{{tag>user_basic}} {{indexmenu_n>25}} # WiFi Realtime Graphs For **WiFi clients** (it is not shown for regular LAN clients), the **Realtime Graphs** tab you can map incoming connections on different [ports](/glossary/p/port) to ports on the client. ## Graph ![Graph](./graph.png?nolink) The display is shown in realtime, with lines representing traffic in kbit/s: ^ Color ^ Traffic ^ | Blue | Downstream. |  | Red | Upstream. |  ## Table The table below the graph displays collected data since the tab was opened, and the total connection uptime since last downtime. ![Table](./table.png?nolink) ^ Item ^ Description ^ | Download Speed | Current download speed. | | Upload Speed | Current upload speed. | | Total Received Data | Downloaded data since the tab was opened. | | Total Transmitted Data | Transmitted data since the tab was opened. | | Total Uptime | Connection uptime since last downtime. |