The ADSL view allows you to configure ADSL devices.


At the top of the page is a list of selectable devices.

When a particular device is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Section Description
Name Name of the device.
VPI ATM Virtual Path Identifier.
VCI ATM Virtual Channel Identifier.
DSL Link Type EoA / PPPoE / IPoE.
Encapsulation Mode LLC SNAP / VC-MUX.
Service Type Service Type.
Bridge Setting to enable network bridge use.

Service Type

Service types define the guaranteed level of service in a ATM network. This involves such things as the timing between the source and destination, the guaranteed bandwidth and how many cells get lost in transmission.

Setting Description
UBR without PCR Use Unspecified Bit Rate without Peak Cell Rate.
UBR with PCR Use Unspecified Bit Rate with Peak Cell Rate.
CBR Use Constant Bit Rate.
Non-Realtime VBR Use Non-Real-Time Variable Bit Rate.
Realtime VBR Use Real-Time Variable Bit Rate.