
The classify tab lets you configure filtering parameters in order to define types of traffic to include in which Class.

Classification assigns a class to traffic in a connection, but only affect connections which have not been assigned a traffic class already.


At the top of the page is a list of selectable classification groups.

When a particular group is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Adding a parameter will filter out traffic according to the parameters and assign it to the group.

Item Description Comment
Target Classification Group to assign. As configured in classification group settings
Protocol Protocol affected.  All / UDP / TCP / ICMP
Source Host Originating host(s) to affect. All / Specific host
Destination Host Receiving host(s) to affect. All / Specific host
Ports Settings for ports filtering. Port/Source/Destination/Port range
Direction Direction of traffic to be affected by the classificaton. Both/In/Out
Connbytes Connection Bytes for when to start filtering.

Ports Filtering

Item Description Comment
Ports List of ports anywhere (source and destination).
Source Included ports in source.
Destination Included ports in destination.
Port Range Range of ports anywhere (source and destination).