
The Voice provides access to settings relating to voice communications through the device.

Call Log

The Call Log view shows a list of the recent calls handled through the device.


SIP Accounts

The SIP Accounts view shows information about configured SIP accounts for the device.


SIP Users

The SIP Users view shows information about configured SIP users for the device.


Voice Lines

The Voice Lines view shows a list of available voice lines for the device and allows you to configure them.


Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings view contains advanced settings for SIP , voice lines and dial plans.


Number Blocking

The Number Blocking view allows you to block outgoing calls to specific numbers or or number ranges.


Ringing Schedule

The Ringing Schedule view lets you define when telephones should be allowed to ring.


Speed Dialing

The Speed Dialing view lets you configure a set of shortcode numbers that convert to the specified numbers when dialled.


DECT Radio

The Dect Radio view allows you to configure DECT radio settings.


Call Log

The Call Log view shows a list of the recent calls handled through the device.

Item Description
Date Date for the call.
Time Time for the call.
External Number Calling number.
Internal Number Receiving number.
Duration Duration of the call.

Arrow Indicators

The arrow indicators next to the log items indicate the status of the connection.

Icon Color Status Description
Green 'ANSWERED' Connection has been established.
Red 'NO ANSWER' Connection was not established.
Black Any other state (for example 'BUSY').

SIP Accounts

The SIP Accounts view shows information about configured SIP accounts for the device.

At the top of the page is a list of selectable accounts.

When a particular account is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Item Description
Enabled Turn account on or off.
Account Name Name of SIP account.
SIP domain name Name of SIP domain.
SIP Username The SIP account username for the account.
SIP Authentication Name SIP Authentication Name used with password to register with SIP server.
SIP Password Enter new password to change.
Show Key Text Display the password.
Display Name Display name used in Caller ID.
SIP Server/Registrar Address for SIP server.
SIP Server/Registrar Port Port for SIP server.
SIP Outbound Proxy Address for outbound proxy.
SIP Outbound Proxy Port Port for outbound proxy.
Incoming Phone Lines Check boxes for connected phone line ports.
Preferred codecs Order of preference for SIP codecs.
G.711MuLaw Packetization Packetization setting for G.711MuLaw.
G.726 Packetization Packetization setting for G.726.
G.729a Packetization Packetization setting for G.711ALaw.
G.G.729a Packetization Packetization setting for G.729a.
Autoframing Negotiate packetization when call is established.
SIP Transport UDP / TCP / TLS
Encryption Use Secure Real-time Transport Protocol.
Use as Fax Indicate that this SIP account will be used for a fax machine. This will force some settings.
Mailbox Voicemail inbox.

Add account

You can add as many accounts as you needed.

To add a account:

  • Click the Add button
  • Enter a Name for the account
  • Enter values as needed.
  • Click Apply

SIP Users

The SIP Users view shows information about configured SIP users for the device.

At the top of the page is a list of selectable accounts.

When a particular account is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Item Description
Enabled Turn user on or off.
Name Display name used in Caller ID.
Extension Extension for this user.
User Name SIP user name.
User Password Enter new password to change.
Show Key Text Display the password.
Call out using SIP provider SIP account for outbound calls.
Mailbox Voicemail inbox.
Preferred codecs Order of preference for SIP codecs.
Host Specific host for this user.
Qualify Check that the user is reachable.

Add user

You can add as many users as you needed.

To add a user:

  • Click the Add button
  • Enter a Name for the user
  • Enter values as needed.
  • Click Apply

Voice Lines

The Voice Lines view shows a list of available voice lines for the device and allows you to configure them.

Each available voice line has its own panel. Detailed information about each line is shown when you expand the panel.

The panels allow you to configure individual voice lines.

Item Description
Name Identifier for the DECT line.
Internal Number Diect call number.
Outgoing Calls Number SIP account for external calls.
Call Waiting Enable call waiting notification.
Call ID Restriction Hide caller ID.
Voice Activity Detection Detect voice (Transparent / Aggressive / Conservative).
Comfort Noise Generation Generated noise (White / Hot / Spectrum estimate).
Echo cancellation Remove echoes.
Transmit gain Increase transmitted signal.
Receive gain Increase received signal.

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings view contains advanced settings for SIP , voice lines and dial plans.

Advanced SIP Settings

The Advanced SIP Settings view lets you configure detailed parameters for your SIP services.


Advanced Line Settings

The Advanced Line Settings view lets you configure detailed parameters for your voice lines .


Custom Dial Plan

The Custom Dial plan view allows you to configure dialling digits for various services and networks.


Advanced SIP Settings

The Advanced SIP Settings view lets you configure detailed parameters for your SIP services.

Item Description
Sip Proxy servers Proxies to allow incoming calls from.
Bind Interface Restrict listening to particular WAN interface.
Bindport Port to use for UDP listening.
User Agent Custom User-Agent information in the SIP header.
RTP Port Range Ports to use for RTP
DTMF Mode Mode for DTMF (Compatibility / RFC 2833 / SIP INFO / Inband).
Register Interval Time in seconds between registration attempts.
Realm SIP Realm for digest authentication.
Localnet Network addresses that are considered inside of the NAT network.
Register Attempts Number of registration attempts before giving up.
Register Timeout Time before giving up a registration attempt.
Register Back-off Attempts Number of attempts before back-off.
Register Back-off Timeout Time in back-off before giving up attempt to register.
Remote Hold Send hold events to proxy (Let network handle music on hold).
SRV Lookup Enable DNS SRV lookup.
DNS Manager Enable Asterisk DNS manager.
DNS Manager Refresh Interval Refresh interval for the DNS manager.
Line suffix in contact header Add suffix to SIP contact header with information about called lines.
SIP DiffServ Differentiated services type of service for SIP data.
Audio DiffServ Differentiated services type of service for audio data.
Congestion tone Tone to play on congestion. (Congestion / Info)
STUN server STUN service provider.
TLS/SSL Version TLS v1 / TLS v2 / TLS v3.
Cipher string Cipher identifier string.
Trusted CA Public key for a trusted Certificate Authority.

Trusted CA Certificate

To add a Trusted CA Certificate key:

  • Click Add
  • Copy the public key
  • Paste the key into the window
  • Click Save
  • Click Apply

Advanced Line Settings

The Advanced Line Settings view lets you configure detailed parameters for your voice lines .

Item Description
Locale selection Country for device location.
Enable Jitter Buffer Turn jitter prevention buffer on or off.
Force Jitter Buffer Forces the receiver to use a jitter buffer.
Jitter Buffer implementation The type of jitter buffer Fixed / Adaptive.
Maximum Jitter Buffer size Size of jitter buffer (ms).
Enable Packet Loss Concealment Turn PLC on or off.
Inter-digit timeout Time between dialled digits before timing out (ms).

Custom Dial Plan

The Custom Dial plan view allows you to configure dialling digits for various services and networks.

Item Description
Enable incoming Turn dial plan on or off for incoming calls.
Enable outgoing Turn dial plan on or off for outgoing calls.
Enable custom hangup Turn custom hang up on or off.
All Ports Extension Port test extension.
Test Audio Extension Audo tests the audio quality.
Test Echo Extension Echo returns the outgoing audio from a channel back to the channel.

Number Blocking

The Number Blocking view allows you to block outgoing calls to specific numbers or or number ranges.

Item Description
Outgoing Number Blocking Turn blocking on or off for outgoing calls.
Do not allow connections to these numbers List of blocked numbers.
Block connections to all foreign numbers Block calls to different locales.
Block connections to all special rate numbers Block calls to premium rate or pay services.
Item Description
Incoming Number Blocking Turn blocking on or off for incoming calls.
Do not allow connections from these numbers List of blocked numbers.

Block number

To block a number:

  • Click the add button
  • Click in the Phone extension box
  • Enter the number
  • Click outside of the Phone extension box
  • Click Apply

Block number range

You can use # as wildcard to define number ranges. For example “0160#” blocks all numbers starting with “0160”.

To block a sequence of numbers:

  • Click the add button
  • Enter digits
  • Add '#' as wildcard
  • Enter the number
  • Click outside of the Phone extension box
  • Click Apply

Ringing Schedule

The Ringing Schedule view lets you define when telephones should be allowed to ring.

Item Description
Ringing Schedule Turn the schedule on or off.
During the times below ringing is Enabled / Disabled.
Day List of days when status applies.
Time Time interval when status applies.
Status Enabled / Disabled.

Speed Dialing

The Speed Dialing view lets you configure a set of shortcode numbers that convert to the specified numbers when dialled.

The speed dialling list consists of the numbers 0 to 9. For each of these, you can add a number or extension that will be called when somebody dials the number.

Item Description
Speed Dialing Turn speed dialling on or off.
Remove all entries from speed dial list Clears the list

DECT Radio

The Dect Radio view allows you to configure DECT radio settings.

Item Description
DECT Radio Auto / On / Off.
Radio Status Current status for the DECT Radio.
Pair DECT Device Button to start pairing for a DECT device.
Codecs DECT codecs available for the device.

At the bottom of the page is a list of currently paired devices.

Item Description
ID Pairing ID.
IPUI IPUI number.
Codecs DECT codecs available for the device.