
The System view provides access to device information, management, provisioning and settings.

General Settings

The General Settings view contains basic device settings.

Item Description
Local Time Local time for the device.
Timezone Device timezone setting.
Hostname Device hostname.

The Menu Access view allows you to switch access to menus and menu items in the web interface on or off.



The Passwords view lets you change passwords for device users.


Firmware Upgrade

The Firmware Upgrade view lets you upgrade the device firmware by using image files.



The Backup/Restore view allows you to manage backups and resets of the device.



The IUP view allows you to set up parameters for provisioning services and configurations with Inteno Universal Provisioning.



The TR69 Settings view allows you to configure TR069 support for device management and provisioning from the WAN.



The Management view lets you configure WAN to SSH connections and access to services.


Power Management

The Power Management view allows you to manage CPU effiency and Ethernet hardware ports.



The Services view lets you manage system services on the device.



The Restart page allows to restart your Internet connection and reboot your device.


General Settings

The General Settings view contains basic device settings.

Item Description
Local Time Local time for the device.
Timezone Device timezone setting.
Hostname Device hostname.

Time Servers

The Time Servers section shows NTP time servers in use.


Item Description
Time Servers (NTP) List of NTP servers to use.
Server Mode Turn NTP server mode on or off.

Add Server

To add a time server:

  • Click the add button
  • Enter the server address in URL box
  • Click Apply

Log Settings

The Log Settings view contains settings for the system logs.

Item Description
System Log Level System Logging level
Cron Log Level Cron Logging level
Kernel Log Level  Kernel Logging level
Log File Location to save the log file.
Log IP IP address of remote log server.
Log Port Port for the remote log server.
Log Prefix Prefix to use in log.
Log Protocol Protocol for transfer of log information (UDP / TCP).
Log Remote Turn remote logging on or off.
Log Size Max size of log in Kb.
Trailing null Use trailing null insted of newline when using TCP
Log Type Type of logging to use (circular = limited /file = unlimited number of files).

Connectivity Test

The Connectivity Test view allows for automatic verification of the Internet connection by accessing a predefined URL.

Item Description
Internet URL for checking Internet connection.

Menu Access

The Menu Access view allows you to switch access to menus and menu items in the web interface on or off.

Note: The admin account cannot have restrictions on menu access.

At the top of the page is a list of user roles.

When a particular role is selected for editing, all menu and menu items are shown in the list.

You can change the access status of any item by moving the associated slider.


The Passwords view lets you change passwords for device users.

Change Password Dialog

Item Description
Current Password The existing password.
New Password Password to change to.
Reenter Password Verification of new password.
Password Strength Indicates the security level of the new password.

Note: For security reasons, the current password is never displayed.

Change password

To change password for a user:

  • Open the Change password for user
  • Select a user role
  • Click Change Password

The change password dialog opens.

  • Enter the current password
  • Enter the new password
  • Enter the new password again
  • Click Change Password

Firmware Upgrade

The Firmware Upgrade view lets you upgrade the device firmware by using image files.

The Current Firmware Version shows currently installed firmware on the device.

With the Online Update function, you can perform an automatic search for upgrade image file on an upgrade server.

Note: The type of image file and server adddress and to use for upgrades is defined in Firmware options.

In the USB Firmware Upgrade section you can perform an automatic search for upgrade image file on USB devices, and perform the upgrade.

The check for upgrade starts a search for image files on any connected USB devices.

Note: The type of image file to use for upgrades is defined in Firmware options.

In the manual firmware upgrade section you can select an image file on your computer, upload it to the device, and perform the upgrade.

Item Description
Select firmware file to upload Upgrade image file on local computer.
Start upgrade Button to start upgrade.

Upgrade Options

The Upgrade Options view lets you configure parameters for firmware upgrades.

The firmware image extension setting defines which type of image file to use for upgrades.

Item Description
.y2 UBIFS Image version 2
.y3 UBIFS Image version 3

The online upgrade settings define where the online upgrade images are located.

Item Description
URL for file with latest image filename URL to a text file containing the latest image filename on the server.
Upgrade URL base path URL to directory containing upgrade image files.


The Backup/Restore view allows you to manage backups and resets of the device.

Backup Configuration

In the Backup Configuration section you can save a copy of your device configuration or load a saved configuration into the device.


Factory Reset

In the Factory Reset section you can restore the device to factory settings.


Backup Settings

The Backup Settings view lets you select which services and settings to include in backups.


Backup Configuration

In the Backup Configuration section you can save a copy of your device configuration or load a saved configuration into the device.

Save Backup

  • Click Save

The Save Configuration dialog opens.

  • If you want to encrypt the backup file:
    • Click the Password Protection slider
    • Enter a Backup file password
    • Retype the password
  • Click Continue

The file is saved as a compressed file archive to your local computer.

Load Backup

To load a saved configuration after the factory reset:

  • Click Load

The Load New Configuration dialog opens.

  • Click Choose File
  • If the backup file is encrypted:
    • Enter a Backup file password
  • Click Continue

Factory Reset

In the Factory Reset section you can restore the device to factory settings.

Soft Reset

Alternatively, you can choose to perform a Soft Reset, where you select particular settings to keep when doing the factory reset.

Note: Reset restores your device to the factory defaults and removes any configurations you have made. You can only keep settings if you select them in the Soft Reset section.

Available Settings

These are the settings you can protect:

Port redirects
Parental rules
User password
ICE config
WiFi Settings

Soft Reset

To perform a soft reset:

  • Select the settings you want to keep:
    • Click the Soft Reset slider button
    • Make sure that the settings you want to keep are enabled.
      Note: Enabled settings will be protected from the factory reset.
  • Click Reset

Factory Reset

To perform the factory reset:

  • Click Reset

Backup Settings

The Backup Settings view lets you select which services and settings to include in backups.

The list contains a selection of services and settings that can be included when performing backups.

You can change the status of any item by moving the associated slider.


The IUP view allows you to set up parameters for provisioning services and configurations with Inteno Universal Provisioning.

The IUP view is divided into several sections.

In the General section you can manage general provisioning settings.

Item Description
Enabled Turn provisioning on or off.
Update frequency start time Time of day to start update.
Update frequency Hourly / Daily / Weekly.
Export file Download provisioning file.

In the Main Provisioning Server section you can add a manual provisioning server address.

Note: This will override DHCP Discover Provisioning, even if it is enabled.

Item Description
Reboot Reboot after configuration has been applied.
Keep user config Address to the provisioning server.
Enabled Turn main provisioning server on or off.

In the DHCP Discover Provisioning Server section you can enable automatic discovery of provisioning server.

Item Description
Enabled Turn software update on or off.

In the Software Update Config section you can configure online update of software.

Item Description
Enabled Turn software update on or off.
Item Description
Enabled Turn software update on or off.
Default reset Remove device configurations and set to default.
Software URL Location of software configuration.

In the sub configs section you can add sub configurations of specific parts.

Item Description
URL Location of configuration file.
Package Control
Enabled Turn sub configurations on or off.

Add Sub Config

To add a sub configuration:

  • Click Add sub config
  • Enter the URL for the configuration file
  • Enter the relevant Package Control
  • Select if the sub config should be Enabled


The TR69 Settings view allows you to configure TR069 support for device management and provisioning from the WAN.

The TR69 view is divided into sections.

In the ACS section, you can configure ACS settings.


Item Description
ACS User Name User name for the ACS connection.
ACS Password Password for the ACS connection.
URL Location of the ACS server.
Periodic Inform Enable Turn Periodic Inform on or off.
Periodic Inform Interval Wait time between Periodic Inform calls for CPEs.
DHCP Discovery Turn automatic discovery of server on or off.

In the CPE section, you can configure CPE connection settings.


Item Description
WAN Interface Interface for the connection.
Connection Request User Name User name for the ACS connection
Connection Request Password Password for the ACS connection.
Port Specific connection port.
Log Severity Level Logging information level.
Log to console Display logging messages in the console.
Log to file Turn logging to file on or off.
Log file max size Size of log file.
Provisioning Code Identifier for provisioning.


The ICE view allows you to configure ICE support for device management and provisioning from the WAN.

Item Description
Enabled Turn ICE communication engine on or off. If ICE is disabled, Cloud is disabled automatically.
Status Current status for the cloud service. Offline /Registered
Enabled Turn Cloud service on or off. Enables the XMPP connection to the Cloud URL.
Cloud URL URL for access to the the device.


The Management view lets you configure WAN to SSH connections and access to services.


The CATV view lets you enable the CATV service, if your device has this capability.



The Services view lets you configure WAN access to device services, if your device has this capability.



The OWSD view lets you configure settings for the open web-server daemon.

The server listens on a number of interfaces, and allows for separate configuration of access for each of them.

At the top of the page is a list of interfaces the server listens on.

When a particular interface is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

The Configure firewall rule section allows you to enable and configure a firewall rule for the selected service.

Item Description
Interface Listening interface.
Port Port to listen on.
IPv6 IPv4 / IPv6 address.
IPv6 only Limit to IPv6
List of allowed origins Filter for origin ( * for allow all).

Add Listen Interface

  • Click Add
  • Enter a Name

The firewall settings are displayed.

  • Add interface settings as needed.
  • Click Apply

Add Origin

Select an interface in the list.

  • Click Add
  • Enter the Origin
  • Click Add
  • Click Apply


The SSH view allows you to configure SSH access, server instances, and keys.

The Dropbear Instances section lets you create SSH server instances with different parameters.

Item Description
Password Autentication Turn access with password authentication on or off.
Port Connection port.
Enable Root Password Auth Turn root access with password authentication on or off.
Enable Root Login Turn root account access on or off.
Enable Forwarded Ports Turn forwarded ports on or off.
Interface Restrict SSH server to particular interface.

Add SSH Server instance:

To add a SSH Server instance:

  • Click Add
  • Enter parameters for the instance
  • Click Apply

Accepted SSH Keys

The SSH view allows you to configure SSH access, server instances, and keys.

To add a SSH key:

  • Click Add
  • Copy the public SSH key
  • Paste the public SSH key into the window
  • Click OK
  • Click Apply


The CATV view lets you enable the CATV service, if your device has this capability.

Item Description
Ebnable Turn CATV / RF Enable on or off.


The Services view lets you configure WAN access to device services, if your device has this capability.

At the top of the page is a list of services.

When a particular service is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

The Configure firewall rule section allows you to enable and configure a firewall rule for the selected service.

Where applicable, the configuration is divided into separate sections for source and destination zones.

Item Description
Enable WAN forwarding for this service Turn WAN access on or off.
Name Identifier for the rule.
Zone Device / Any / LAN / WAN
IP IPv4 / IPv6 address.
MAC MAC address.
Port Port affected.
IP version Any / IPv4 / IPv6
Protocol Protocol affected: (UDP / TCP / ICMP / TCP + UDP / ESP)
Firewall action Firewall action to perform.

Add Firewall Rule

Select a service in the list.

  • Click the Enable WAN forwarding for this service button

The firewall settings are displayed.

  • Add rule settings as needed.
  • Click Apply


Configure Buttons

The Configure Buttons view allows you to enable or disable the buttons on your device.

The exact buttons available vary with device type.



The LED view allows you to enable or disable the status LEDs on your device.


Configure Buttons

The Configure Buttons view allows you to enable or disable the buttons on your device.

The exact buttons available vary with device type.







To switch a button on or off:

  • Find the desired button in the list
  • Click the slider button in the interface
  • Click Apply


The LED view allows you to enable or disable the status LEDs on your device.

The exact LEDs available vary with device type. The status of each LED is shown on the left of the name.












To switch a LED on or off:

  • Find the desired LED in the list
  • Click the slider button in the interface
  • Click Apply

Power Management

The Power Management view allows you to manage CPU effiency and Ethernet hardware ports.

Item Description
CPU Speed CPU Sync.
CPU r4k Wait Sleep mode configuration.
Ethernet Auto Power Down Turn Ethernet Auto Power Down on or off.
Energy Efficent Ethernet Turn Energy-Efficient Ethernet on or off.


The Services view lets you manage system services on the device.

The list contains system running and available services.

Item Description
Priority System priority.
Service Service identifier.
Enable Enable or disable service.
Action Buttons to start, stop and restart the service.


The Restart page allows to restart your Internet connection and reboot your device.

Note: Restarting the device will disconnect all phone, Internet and TV services while the device is restarting.

To restart your device:

  • Click Restart

A confirmation dialog is shown

  • Click Yes

A restart dialog is shown.

When the device has restarted, the browser reconnects and the login dialog is shown.