
The Status area provides an overview of the current situation for your device, network and services, and also contains diagnostic tools.


The System Status view displays information about a number of parameters regarding your gateway and its operation.



The IGPM TV Status views shows information about your IPTV services and their connection status.



The WiFi Status view shows information about the wireless network, and allows you to scan the local area for other wireless access points.



The DSL status view shows information about any DSL connections to the device.



The USB devices views displays information about any USB devices connected to the gateway device.

Note: Supported file systems for USB devices are NTFS and FAT32.



The Network Status view shows information about various aspects of your network.



The Diagnostic Utility allows you to perform diagnostic tests from the web interface.



The Voice Status view shows information about SIP accounts, phone numbers and voice lines connected to the device.



The System Status view displays information about a number of parameters regarding your gateway and its operation.


The System Status overview shows basic data about the device.



The Processes view shows information about system processes and CPU usage.



The System Status overview shows basic data about the device.

Option Description Sample value
Hostname The hostname for the gateway. Inteno
Model Gateway model. DG400A
Serial No Device serial number. G542012033
MAC Address Device MAC address 00:22:07:A9:CE:F9
Filesystem Filesystem used in gateway storage. UBIFS
Firmware Version Version of installed firmware. DG400-WU7U_INT3.5.5-160513_1617
Other Bank Alternative firmware. DG400-WU7U_INT3.13-170904_1354
Kernel Version The gateway operating system kernel version. 3.13
BRCM Version (Broadcom Devices only) Version number for the Broadcom driver. 4.16L.04
CFE Version Version of CFE. 4.16L.05
Local Time Time according to the gateway internal clock. Mon May 23 2049 17:21:12 GMT+0200 (CEST) | | Uptime | Time the gateway has been runnning since last startup. | 5d 2h 53m 14s | | CPU | Percentage of CPU processing in use. | 0% | | Active Connections | Number and percentage of connections to the gateway. | 259 / 7660 (3%)`

System Memory

The System Memory Status view displays information about memory usage in the device.

Option Description Sample value
Usage Memory used by the system. 163144 kB / 226308 kB (72%)
Shared Shared memory in use. 0 kB / 226308 kB (0%)
Buffered Memory buffer in use. 0 kB / 226308 kB (0%)
Swap Swap file system used. 0 kB / 0 kB (0%)

System Storage

The System Storage Status view shows information about file systems and space used.

Option Description
rootfs(/) Root.
tmpfs(/tmp) Temporary.
tmpfs(/dev) Devices.
tmpfs(/mnt) Mount point.
tmpfs(/dev/sda1) An attached USB stick.


The Processes view shows information about system processes and CPU usage.

The overview shows a summary of the processes:

Item Description Comment
Total number of processes 96
Total CPU usage 9%

Process Detail Toggle

You can access detailed realtime information about running processes, by clicking the information toggle.

To open the Details view:

  • Click Click here to view details


In the details view, you can get detailed information about all processes running on the device.

For each process, information about a number of properties is displayed:

Property Description Comment
PID Process ID Unique identifier for the process.
PPID Parent Process ID Unique identifier for the parent process.
USER User running the service.
STAT State Code.
VSZ Virtual Memory Size.
VSZP Virtual Memory Size Percentage.
CPU CPU Percentage.
COMMAND The command used to run the process.


The Network Status view shows information about various aspects of your network.


The Network Status view provides an overview of network elements for your device.



The Connected Clients view shows a list of clients connected to the network.


Routing Tables / Status

The Routing Status view shows the static routes configuration for the various network types.



The UPnP Open Ports view shows the status of any UPnP ports currently in use.


The Active DHCP Leases view shows the status of any DHCP leases currently in use.



The NAT view shows a list of active NAT mappings in the device network.



The Network Status view provides an overview of network elements for your device.


The WAN6 view shows information about any connected IPv6 network.


The LAN view shows information about the local network connected IPv4 network.

Option Description Comment
IP Address IP address of the device on the local network. Typically


The WAN view shows information about any connected IPv4 network.

Option Description
IP Address IP address for the device on the Internet.
Gateway IP address to the internet gateway.
Primary DNS First priority DNS server.
Secondary DNS Second priority DNS server.


The Connected Clients view shows a list of clients connected to the network.


Column Description Comment
Hostname Client hostname.
MAC Address Client MAC Address .
IPv4 Address Client IPv4.
IPv6 Address Client IPv6 address.
Active Connections Number of active connections.

Routing Tables / Status

The Routing Status view shows the static routes configuration for the various network types.


The ARP status view shows information about ARP routes.



The IPv4 status view shows information about IPv4 routes.



The IPv6 status view shows information about IPv6 routes.


IPv6 Neighbors

The IPv6 Neighbors view shows information about IPv6 devices in the network neighborhood.



The ARP status view shows information about ARP routes.


The table displays information about static ARP routes.

Column Description Comment
IPv4 Address IPv4.
MAC Address Client MAC Address .
Device Network device type. Displayed as virtual interface name.


The IPv4 status view shows information about IPv4 routes.


The table displays information about static IPv4 routes.

Column Description Comment
IPv4 Address IPv4.
Gateway IP address to the internet gateway.
Genmask Route genmask.
Device Network device type. Displayed as virtual interface name.


The IPv6 status view shows information about IPv6 routes.


The table displays information about static IPv6 routes.

Column Description Comment
IPv6 Address IPv6 address.
Next Hop Next Hop device.
Device Network device type. Displayed as virtual interface name.

IPv6 Neighbors

The IPv6 Neighbors view shows information about IPv6 devices in the network neighborhood.


The table shows information about discovered IPv6 neighbors.

Column Description Comment
IPv6 Address IPv6 address.
Device Connected device.
MAC address MAC address for the device.
Router Is the device a router? true/false

NDP Status

The RFC 4861 defines a number of statuses:

Status Description Comment
INCOMPLETE Address resolution is in progress and the link-layer address of the device has not yet been determined.
REACHABLE Device is known to have been reachable recently (within tens of seconds ago).
STALE Device is no longer known to be reachable but until traffic is sent to the neighbor, no attempt should be made to verify its reachability.
DELAY Device is no longer known to be reachable, and traffic has recently been sent to the neighbor. Probes should be delayed in order to give upper-layer protocols a chance to provide reachability confirmation.
PROBE Device is no longer known to be reachable, and unicast Neighbor Solicitation probes are being sent to verify reachability.


The UPnP Open Ports view shows the status of any UPnP ports currently in use.


The Active DHCP Leases view shows the status of any DHCP leases currently in use.

DHCPv4 Leases

Column Description
Hostname Client hostname.
IPv4 Address Client IPv4.
MAC Address Client MAC Address.
Leasetime remaining Time until the lease expires.

DHCPv6 Leases

Column Description
Hostname Client hostname.
IPv6 Address Client IPv6 address.
Leasetime remaining Time until the lease expires.


The NAT view shows a list of active NAT mappings in the device network.


The Active Connections gauge shows how many NAT mappings are in use out of the allowed total, as a percentage and as a count.

NAT Connection Table

Connections to and from the local network to the external network are added to the table, allowing the device to handle traffic routing decisions.

The table displays information about active NAT connections.

Column Description Comment
Protocol Communication protocol used.
Source Internal IP address.
Destination. External IP address.
Source Port Internal Port.
Destination Port External Port.


The WiFi Status view shows information about the wireless network, and allows you to scan the local area for other wireless access points.


The general WiFI Status view displays information about your wireless channels and network interfaces.


WiFi Scan

The WiFi scan view allows you to scan the area around the device to find out what other access points are visible.


Band Steering

The Band Steering view shows information about band steering.



The general WiFI Status view displays information about your wireless channels and network interfaces.

For each wireless radioinformation is displayed about:


For each connected client, more infomation about the connected client is available.



For each connected client, more infomation about the connected client is available.

To view more details about a client, click the expand button.

Item Description Example
IP-Address Client IPv4 address.
MAC-Address Client MAC address.  1A:97:1C:C7:76:63
DHCP Does client use DHCP?  true
Idle Is the device transmitting?  0
In Network ID for connected network.  74
RSSI Received signal strength indicator value.  -42 dBm
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio value.  41 dB
Number of Antennas Client antennas in use.  2
TX Rate Transmission rate.  130 Mbps
RX Rate Receive rate.  144 Mbps
Flags Provided device flags.  BRCM, WME, N_CAP, AMPDU
HT Capabilities Supported HT Capabilities (data rates).  LDPC, BW40, SGI20, SGI40
TX Total Packets Total number of transmitted packets.  22589
Unicast Packets Total packets transmitted through unicast.  224
TX Unicast Packets Packets transmitted through unicast.  224
TX Multicast/Broadcast Packets Packets transmitted through multicast.  22365
TX Failures Transmission failures.  0
RX Data Packets Received packets.  440
RX Unicast Packets Received packets transmitted through unicast.  209
RX Multicast/Broadcast Packets Received packets transmitted through multicast.  231
TX Data Packets Retried Resent data packets.  0
TX Total Packets Sent Total data packets transmitted through unicast.  7
TX Packets Retries Retransmitted data packets.  1
TX Packets Retry Exhausted Data Packets failed after retry.  0
RX Total Packets Retried Retransmitted data packets.  107


The WiFi Utilization view displays information about usage for the connected devices in the network.


Each available radio is displayed in a table, with one client per row.

Column Description
MAC Address Client MAC address.
Airtime Usage Percentage of airtime used by the client.
Data Rate Transmitted data rate in Mbps.
Data Usage Percentage of available data volume used.
Physical Rate Transmission rate in Mbps.
Retries Percentage of connections that were retried.

WiFi Scan

The WiFi scan view allows you to scan the area around the device to find out what other access points are visible.


The scan results table displays all detected access points and information about each in a graphical manner.



The horizontal axis shows the discovered channels.

The vertical axis shows the signal strength, according to RSSI.

Color Description Comment
Red Poor.
Yellow Acceptable.
Green Good.


The scan results table displays all detected access points and information about each:

Column Description Comment
SSID SSID identifying the access point.
Frequency WiFi frequency band for the access point.
Channel Channel used by the access point.
RSSI RSSI strength for the signal.
Noise Noise level for the connection to the access point.
Cipher Cipher used for encryption in the access point.
WPS WPS version used by the access point.

To scan a frequency band:

  • Select Frequency to Scan
  • Click Scan

The results for the selected band are displayed in the graph and table.

Band Steering

The Band Steering view shows information about band steering.


The status section shows the current band steering status.

The information is displayed in the STA info summary table.

Column Description
STAMAC | Station (client) MAC address. | | Interface | Client interface name. | | TimeStamp | Timestamp for the steering event. | | Txrate Transmission rate.
RSSI Received signal strength indicator .
Bounce Does the client bounce back to a particular bandafter steering? (yes/no).
Picky Does the client prefer a particular band? (yes/no).
PSTA Is the client a proxy station? (yes/no).
DUALBAND Is the client dual-band capable? (yes/no).


The log section contains the log file, which shows the band steering events.

The information is displayed in the Band Steering Record table.

Column Description
 TimeStamp  Timestamp for the steering event.
 STAMAC | Station (client) MAC address. | | Fmch  From channel (hex code).
 To_ch  To channel (hex code).
 Reason  Event (hex code).
 Description  Description of event.


The DSL status view shows information about any DSL connections to the device.

DSL Status Information

The DSL Status Information section shows the status for the DSL line.

Line Status
Status Description
Idle No connection.
Handshake Searching for connection, negotiating transfer.
Training Connection found, testing cable.
Showtime/Active Connection established.

DSL Mode

The DSL Mode section shows the DSL.

Bit Rate

The Bit Rate section shows transmission rates for streams in bits per second (bps).

Actual Data Rate
Column Description
Downstream Rate to the device.
Upstream Reate from the device.

Operating Data

The Operating Data section shows signal strength for the DSL line.

SNR margin

The SNR Margin section displays the signal-to-noise margin for the streams.

Column Description
Downstream To the device.
Upstream From the device.
Loop Attentuation

The Loop Attentuation section shows signal attentuation for the streams.

Column Description
Downstream To the device.
Upstream From the device.

Error Counter

The Error Counter section lists the number of (discovered) errors for the connection.

FEC Corrections

The FEC Corrections table shows FEC corrections for the streams.

Column Description
Downstream To the device.
Upstream From the device.
CRC Corrections

The CRC Corrections table shows CRC corrections for the streams.

Column Description
Downstream To the device.
Upstream From the device.

Cell Statistics

The Cell Statistics section shows the number of cells transmitted for the streams.

Column Description
Received To the device.
Transmitted From the device.


The IGPM TV Status views shows information about your IPTV services and their connection status.

The table shows any connected IGMP TV channels and information about each:

Column Description
Group IP IP address of the IGMP group.
Client IP IP address of the client.
LAN Port LAN Port used for the group.
WAN Port WAN Port used for the group.
Timeout Time until the gateway triggers IGMP query reelection.


The USB devices views displays information about any USB devices connected to the gateway device.

Note: Supported file systems for USB devices are NTFS and FAT32.


The USB device information table shows information about the USB devices.

Column Description Comment
Device ID Identification for the USB device.
Vendor ID Identification for the manufacturer.
Vendor Name Name of the manufacturer.
Device Name Name reported by the USB device.


The CATV Status view shows information about CATV services connected to the device.

Note: Available on EG300 & EG400 only.

Option Description Example
Inteno model Model. CATV-302
VPD Reverse voltage on Protection Device. -inf dBm
RF Range. 75.7 dBµV
RF enable Enable RF. OFF


The SFP Status view shows information about SFP connectors enabled in the device.

Information is shown in two tables; ROM information and DDM information.

Note: Available on EG300 & EG400 only.


The DDM table shows information about the DDM retrieved from the SFP.

Option Description Example
voltage Port voltage. 3.1872 (V)
current Port current. 26.448 (mA)
tx-pwr Broadcasting power. 0.3530 (mW)
tx-pwr-dBm Broadcasting power. -4.5223 (dBm)
rx-pwr Received signal power. 0.3026 (mW)
rx-pwr-dBm Received signal power. -5.1913 (dBm)
rx-pwr-type Received power type. average


The ROM table shows information about the ROM.

Option Description Example
 connector Connector type. SC
ethernet Ethernet type. LX
encoding Encoding type. 8B10B
rate Line rate. 1300
single-mode Single mode distance. 20000
vendor Port manufacturer or vendor. Skylane Optics
oui Organizationally Unique Identifier. 00:25:cd
pn Product name. SBU35020DR3D000
rev ROM Revision. A
sn Serial Number b19bmjrx1857
date ROM date. 2016-04-21
ddm DDM version 9.3


The Diagnostic Utility allows you to perform diagnostic tests from the web interface.


The Ping Test view allows you to perform a Ping for a selected host.



The Tracing tool view allows you to perform a Traceroute Test for a selected host.


Speed Test

The Speed Test view allows you to perform a TP Test for your network, using your device as the endpoint.



The Ping Test view allows you to perform a Ping for a selected host.

To perform a ping test against an endpoint:

The result of the ping is shown below the utility.


PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.208 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.129 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.146 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.130 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.129/0.148/0.208 ms


The Tracing tool view allows you to perform a Traceroute Test for a selected host.

To perform a tracroute test against an endpoint:

The result of the trace is shown below the utility.


Trace results:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
 1  0.033 ms

Speed Test

The Speed Test view allows you to perform a TP Test for your network, using your device as the endpoint.

Option Description Comment
Direction Traffic direction to test. Up and Down, Up, Down.
Package Size Size of test data packages to send. Size of test packages to send.
Speedtest Server Server to use for the test. A number of default servers are provided, but you can edit the list.

Perform Speed Test


Test results:

Downstream: 103.45 Mbit/s
Upstream: 44.10 Mbit/s

Add test server

If you have additional test servers you want to use, you can add them to the dropdown list.

To add a test server:

  • Click the + plus sign

A dialog is shown allowing you to enter parameters:

Option Description Comment
Hostname Test Server hostname
Port Test server port
  • Add a valid Server Hostname
  • Add a valid server Port
  • Click OK

Remove test server

Servers in the test server list can be removed.

To remove a test server:

  • Select the server in the Speedtest Server list
  • Click the - minus sign

The server is removed from the list immediately.

Realtime Graphs

The Realtime Graphs view provides access to graphical representations of status for the device. The graphs scroll as time progresses and lines indicate the current status.


The Load graph shows device load averages for different time recent periods.



The Traffic graph shows upload and download traffic for the interfaces.



The Connections graph shows the number of currently active connections for the device.



The Load graph shows device load averages for different time recent periods.

The display is shown in realtime, and the lines represent the average over different intervals:

Color Time
 Blue  1 minute
 Red  5 minutes
 Purple  15 minutes



The Traffic graph shows upload and download traffic for the interfaces.

Each interface is available in its own tab. The display is shown in realtime, with lines representing traffic in kbit/s:

Color Traffic
 Blue  Downstream.
 Red  Upstream.



The Connections graph shows the number of currently active connections for the device.

The lines representing different connection types:

Color Traffic
 Blue  TCP connections.
 Red  UDP connections.



The Voice Status view shows information about SIP accounts, phone numbers and voice lines connected to the device.

Information is shown in two tables.

Your phone numbers

Option Description Comment
Name SIP account name. Uses type and number unless otherwise set.
User SIP user.
Domain SIP domain.
Registration interval SIP registration interval domain.
Last registration Last registration time.
Status Current status of the line.

Voice lines

The Voice lines shows a list of connected voice lines.

Option Description
Name Voice line name. Uses type and number unless otherwise set.
State Current state of the line.

Event Log

The Event Log view lets you view and manage the event log for the device.

The Log section contains log settings and lets you download the logs.

Item Description
Download All Logs Save the logs to the local computer.
Limit Log List Limit the number of events.
Filter Log Messages By Source Filter out events by freetext search in source.
Filter By Type Filter out event types by Logging level.
Filter By Filter out events in the log (firewall / network / system / iptv).