The MultiWAN view allows you to create and configure WAN traffic divisions for load balancing and failover and applying traffic rules.
Using the MultiWAN feature, you can enable up to 250 WAN interfaces to:
Why should I use mwan3?
If you have multiple internet connections, you want to control which traffic goes through which WANs
Mwan3 can handle multiple levels of primary and backup interfaces, load-balanced or not. Different sources can have different primary or backup WANs.
Mwan3 uses netfilter mark mask to be compatible with other packages (such as OpenVPN, PPTP VPN, QoS-script, Tunnels, etc) as you can configure traffic to use the default routing table.
Mwan3 can also load-balance traffic originating from the router itself
The MultiWAN settings are divided into tabs.
The MultiWAN Settings tab allows you to add or edit multiple WAN connections and turn them on or off. You can also configure thresholds for WAN up/down detection and reliability monitoring.
The Members tab allows you to create member groups for interfaces, to use with policies for traffic management. The metric and weight settings are used to manage traffic in the member groups.
The Policies tab allows you to group members into policy sets for use with the traffic rules.
The Rules tab allows you to define how LAN traffic should be filtered and distributed over the available WANs.
Rules are the way the Policies are applied to the traffic. Each Rule targets packets with some kind of filter.
The Rules are applied in order from top to bottom. Multiple rules that can use the same policy but target different traffic.
As a first step, you need to add all network interfaces that should be part of the MultiWAN.
Next, each interface must have at least one member, with per interface giving it appropriate Metric and Weight.
With the members set up, you must create at least one policy containing at least two members.