1: Class 
 3: Group

2: Classify

In order to direct traffic to the correct classes, you need to define classificaton rules in the Classify tab.


The classify tab lets you configure filtering parameters in order to define types of traffic to include in which Class.


At the top of the page is a list of selectable classification groups.

When a particular group is selected, details about it is shown in the configuration section.

Adding a parameter will filter out traffic according to the parameters and assign it to the group.

Item Description
Target Group to assign.
Protocol Protocol affected (All / UDP / TCP / ICMP).
Source Host (All / Specific host).
Destination Host (All / Specific host).
Ports Included ports anywhere .
Source Ports Included ports in source.
Destination Ports Included ports in destination.
Port Range Range of ports anywhere.
Precedence Precedence.
Packet Size Size of packets to match.
Direction (Both / In / Out)
Mark Hexadecimal mark code to att to the packets. (0x000000-0xFFFFFF)
Connbytes Connection Bytes for when to start filtering.
TCP flags TCP Flags to match.
Add Filter

To add a filter:

  • Click the Add button
  • Select Classification group
  • Enter QoS values as needed.
  • Click Apply

The filters are prioritized in order from top to bottom in the list.

You can rearrange the classes by using the buttons:

Move up
Move down
1: Class 
 3: Group