Glossary Access Point 2g 3g 4g 6in4 6rd 6to4 802_1p 802_1q ABR Access Point ADSL Assured Forwarding ARP ATM - Asyncronous Data Transfer Mode Auto-Negotiation Bandwidth Bit Error Rate Bit Rate Bitswap CBR CCMP CDMA Cell (DSL) Cipher CLR %CPU CPU CRC Data Package DECT DFS DHCP DHCP lease DHCP Pool DNS Server DLNA Discrete MultiTone Modulation DMZ DNS DNS Server Domain Name DS-Lite DSL DSL Mode DUID Duplex EoA Ethernet EVDO FEC - Forward error correction Firewall group Firewall Zone Frame Gateway Genmask GPRS GRE GSM Host ID Hostname HSPA / HSPA+ IAID ICMP IGMP index Interface Protocol Interface Type Iopsys IP IP in IP IP Quality of Service Algorithm IPoE IPv4 Broadcast Address JUCI L2TP LAN Latency Path Lease Time Link Speed LLC Loop Attenuation LSAP LTE MAC MBS MCR MiniDLNA MTU Multicast NAT Netmask Network bridge Network interface Network Profile Next Hop NIC Noise level NTP - Network Time Protocol OpenWRT Pairing PCR PID Ping Port Port Forwarding Port Speed PPID PPP PPPoA PPPoE PSK PTM - Pulse-Time Modulation PTM Priority Route Routing Table RSS (Memory) RSSI Samba SCR Service Type SIP SIP Account SIP Address SIP Domain SIP Reg Interval SIP User SNAP SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio SNR Margin Strict Priority Precedence Seamless Rate Adaptation SSDP SSH SSID State Code Subnet Mask TCP TKIP TPC TPtest Traceroute UAPSD UBIFS UBR UDP UMTS UPnP USB VBR VC-MUX VCI VDSL Virtual Network Interface VLAN VOIP VPI VPN VSZ %VSZ WAN WCDMA WEP Weighted Fair Queuing WiFi WiFi band WiFi channel WiFi encryption WiFi interface WiFi Key WiFi Mode Wireless radio LAN WMM / WME WMM Power Save WPA2 Enterprise WPA2 PSK WPA Enterprise WPA personal WPS