
The Overview page shows the most important statuses and settings for your device.

Main image

The overview has three parts: a device network map, configuration shortcuts, and status panels.

Device Network Map

The device map shows how your device is connected to the LAN and the WAN, as well as other devices in the local network.


Configuration Shortcuts

The configurations show status for and provide shortcuts provide quick access to various common settings.


Status Panels

The status panels display status information about selected features. They also allow you quick access to configuration of the most common features.


Device Network Map

The device map shows how your device is connected to the LAN and the WAN, as well as other devices in the local network.



The status of a device is indicated by the color of the icon.

Color Status
Green Enabled and active
Black Enabled, not active
Yellow Active, with warnings.
Red Active, not functional.


More detailed Information about the status of an item in the map is availabe by pointing the cursor at an icon in the map.


The information displayed in the popups varies with the item being viewed.














Configuration Shortcuts

The configurations show status for and provide shortcuts provide quick access to various common settings.


Wireless Active wireless radios.
Ethernet LAN ports in use on the device.
LAN Active LAN
WAN Status of WAN connection.
USB Connected USB devices, if any.
Voice Voice port status, if any.
Profile Selected network profile, if any.

Status Panels

The status panels display status information about selected features. They also allow you quick access to configuration of the most common features.



The WiFi status panel lets you change the default wireless security settings to make your network more secure.

You can also view the wifi status and edit the wireless interface.

Additonally, you can WPS to set up clients.



The LAN panel shows basic information about the device and connected clients IP addresses.

From the LAN status panel you can configure the DHCP settings for the device.



The WAN panel displays the status of your WAN. It also lets you configure DNS servers.



The USB panel displays the status of any connected USB devices.



The Voice panel shows the status of the ringing schedule connected phone lines.



The Profile panel shows the network profiles configured on your device, if any.



The WiFi status panel lets you change the default wireless security settings to make your network more secure.

You can also view the wifi status and edit the wireless interface.

Additonally, you can WPS to set up clients.

WiFi panel

WPS settings

WPS makes it easier to connect other wireless devices to your device on an encrypted channel.


Edit 5GHz Wireless Interface

In the edit wireless interface view you can change different aspects of your interface.


Edit 2.4GHz Wireless Interface

In the edit wireless interface view you can change different aspects of your interface.


WPS settings

WPS makes it easier to connect other wireless devices to your device on an encrypted channel.


To open the WPS view:

  • Click WPS

To pair a device via WPS:

  • Click Pair
  • Press the corresponding button on the device you wish to connect

Your device will be open for pairing for two minutes.

Edit 2.4GHz Wireless Interface

In the edit wireless interface view you can change different aspects of your interface.

Wireless interface

Item Comment
Enabled Turn on or off.
WiFi Network Name Edit name of SSID network
Broadcast SSID Toggle to make the network SSID visible or invisible
Encryption Selected encryption method
Cipher Form of Cipher
WiFi Key (Password) Text to use as wifi key
Show Key Text Displays the wifi key text

To open The wifi status view for 2.4GHZ:

  • Click 2.4 GHz to open the wifi status view

To edit the wireless interface for a radio:

  • Click the edit button to open up the wireless interface settings
  • Edit the wireless interface
  • Click Save

Edit 5GHz Wireless Interface

In the edit wireless interface view you can change different aspects of your interface.

Wireless interface

Item Comment
Enabled Toggle interface on or off.
WiFi Network Name Edit name of SSID network.
Broadcast SSID Toggle to make the network SSID visible or invisible.
Encryption Selected encryption method.
Cipher Form of Cipher.
WiFi Key (Password) Text to use as wifi key.
Show Key Text Displays the wifi key text.

To open the wifi status view for GHZ:

  • Click 5GHz to open the wifi status view

To edit the wireless interface for a radio:

  • Click the edit button to open up the wireless interface settings
  • Edit the wireless interface
  • Click Save


The LAN panel shows basic information about the device and connected clients IP addresses.

From the LAN status panel you can configure the DHCP settings for the device.

LAN panel

To open the Edit LAN Settings dialog, click the edit button.

To view a more detailed overview of the clients, click the expand button

To view details about a client click the client in the list.

Detailed Client Overview

In The Detailed Client Overview, information about the clients in the LAN is displayed.


Edit LAN Settings

In The Edit LAN settings view you can change different features about your network.



The Client dialog displays information about the connected clients and allows you to edit their configuration.


Detailed Client Overview

In The Detailed Client Overview, information about the clients in the LAN is displayed.


Item Description
Hostname Client hostname.
IP Address Client IPv4.
MAC Address Client MAC Address .
Port Device port.
Network Network interface for the client.
Link Speed Type of negotiation, speed and duplex for the connection.

Edit LAN Settings

In The Edit LAN settings view you can change different features about your network.

LAN Settings

Item Description
IPv4 Address Device DHCP address
IPv4 Subnet Mask IPv4 Subnet Mask
IPv4 Broadcast Mask IPv4 Broadcast Mask
DHCP Server Turn DHCP Server on or off.
DHCP Pool Start Start IP number for the DHCP Pool start number IP address
DHCP Pool Size Number of IP addresses in the DHCP Pool
DHCP Lease Time DHCP Lease Time for the LAN.
Static DHCP Reserve an IP address DHCP Lease for a connected device.

Static DHCP

The Static DHCP section lets you configure IP address DHCP Leases for connected devices.

Item Description
Add a device to the static DHCP list
Device Name Hostname for IPv4
MAC Address Client MAC Address.
IP Address IP address for IPv4
Host ID Host ID for IPv6

To add a static DHCP lease:

  • Add an existing client or create a lease from scratch:
    • To select an existing client:
      • Click Add connected host to open the list
      • Select the desired client
      • Click the add button
    • To add a static DHCP lease manually:
      • Only click the add button

The information for existing client is added automatically.

  • Add or edit the client information as neeed.
  • Click Save


The Client dialog displays information about the connected clients and allows you to edit their configuration.

Information about the client is divided into several tabs.



The Status tab shows information about the client and the connection.


Port Forwarding

In the Port Forwarding tab you can map incoming connections on different ports to ports on the client.


Static Leases

The Static Leases tab allows you to assign a static IP address dhcp lease to the client.


Parental Control

Parental control is used to restrict access to the network for particular devices.


Realtime Graphs

The Realtime Graphs view provides access to graphical representations of status for the device. The graphs scroll as time progresses and lines indicate the current status.


WiFi Realtime Graphs

For WiFi clients (it is not shown for regular LAN clients), the Realtime Graphs tab you can map incoming connections on different ports to ports on the client.



The Status tab shows information about the client and the connection.

Item Description
Hostname The client Hostname.
IP Address Assigned IP address.
MAC Address MAC address.
DHCP DHCP status.
Connected Connection status.
Link Speed Type of negotiation, speed and duplex for the connection.

For WiFi clients, the Wireless Details section shows detailed information about the wireless connection. All data is measured since last downtime.

Item Description Example
Frequency WiFi frequency band for the access point. 2.4GHz
RSSI RSSI strength for the signal. -64 dBm
SNR Signal-To-Noise-Ratio. 21 dBm
Idle Time idle. 1 s
In Network Time in network. 1813 s
WME Status of WMM. True
Power Save Is Power save enabled? False
N Mode Is 802_11n supported? True
VHT Mode Is 802_11ac supported? False
TX Bytes Transmitted bytes. 2438426
RX Bytes Recieved bytes. 347988
TX Rate Transmission rate. 58 Mbps
RX Rate Recieve rate. 6 Mbps

Port Forwarding

In the Port Forwarding tab you can map incoming connections on different ports to ports on the client.

Item Description
Name Port name.
Excluded ports Protected ports that can't be mapped.
Public port Public (external) port.
Private port Private (client) port.
Protocol Protocol.


The protocol setting filters traffic by protocol for the port forward.

Protocol Description
TCP + UDP Both TCP and UDP.
TCP TCP only.
UDP UDP only.
All Any protocol.

To map incoming connections:

  • Click Add mapping to open the mapping section

The mapping section lets you add configuration settings for the mapping.

Ports can be added one by one (80), as comma-separated lists (8080, 8090) or as ranges (21-22).

  • Add information:
    • Add a name as identification
    • Add ports:
      • Add public/incoming port(s)
      • Add private/client port(s)
    • Select protocol
  • Click Save
  • Click Close

Your information has now been saved and is visible in the mapping list.

Static Leases

The Static Leases tab allows you to assign a static IP address dhcp lease to the client.

Item Description
Device Name Hostname for IPv4
IP Address IP address for IPv4
Tag Tag with further DHCP Options as configured in the DHCP/DNS settings.
Host ID Host ID for IPv6

To assign a static address to the client:

  • Click the add button to open the section
  • Add information for the type of network(s) you use

Parental Control

Parental control is used to restrict access to the network for particular devices.

Parental control is handled by setting schedules where access is restricted to explicitly named MAC addresses.

Item Description
Weekdays List of days the filter applies.
Start Time Time of day to start filtering.
Stop Time Time of day to stop filtering.
Edit filtering rule.
Delete filtering rule.

Add Parental Control

The Internet Access Schedule rules you add from the client panel will only apply to that client.

Parental control is handled by setting schedules where access is restricted to explicitly named MAC addresses.

When adding a parental control filter from the client panel, the MAC Address is automatically selected from the client.

Add an Internet Access Schedule

  • Select a Time Frame from the menu
  • Edit the selected Days as needed
  • Enter a time:
    • From
    • To
  • Click Save
  • Click Close

Start and Stop Times

The start time for a rule has to be lower than the end time.

If you want to have a rule that goes over midnight, you need to add two rules, one up until midnight, and one from midnight to when you want the rule to end.

For example:

Rule one: From 21:00 To 23:59 Rule two: From 00:00 To 06:00

A single rule of From 21:00 To 06:00 will not be saved.

WiFi Realtime Graphs

For WiFi clients (it is not shown for regular LAN clients), the Realtime Graphs tab you can map incoming connections on different ports to ports on the client.


The display is shown in realtime, with lines representing traffic in kbit/s:

Color Traffic
 Blue  Downstream.
 Red  Upstream.

The table below the graph displays collected data since the tab was opened, and the total connection uptime since last downtime.


Item Description
Download Speed Current download speed.
Upload Speed Current upload speed.
Total Received Data Downloaded data since the tab was opened.
Total Transmitted Data Transmitted data since the tab was opened.
Total Uptime Connection uptime since last downtime.

Realtime Graphs

The Realtime Graphs view provides access to graphical representations of status for the device. The graphs scroll as time progresses and lines indicate the current status.


The Load graph shows device load averages for different time recent periods.



The Traffic graph shows upload and download traffic for the interfaces.



The Load graph shows device load averages for different time recent periods.

The display is shown in realtime, and the lines represent the average over different intervals:

Color Time
 Blue  1 minute
 Red  5 minutes
 Purple  15 minutes



The Traffic graph shows upload and download traffic for the interfaces.

Each interface is available in its own tab. The display is shown in realtime, with lines representing traffic in kbit/s:

Color Traffic
 Blue  Downstream.
 Red  Upstream.



The WAN panel displays the status of your WAN. It also lets you configure DNS servers.

WAN panel

Item Description
Internet Status of Internet connection.
Link Status of link.
WAN IP(s) IPv4 and IPv6 address to the device.
Gateway(s) IPv4 and IPv6 address to gateway.
Link Type Ethernet
Link Speed Auto-negotiated 1000 Mbps Full Duplex
DNS-Servers IPv4 and IPV6 addresses to DNS servers.
WAN uptime Time since last disconnect for IPv4 and IPV6 WAN connection.


The USB panel displays the status of any connected USB devices.

USB panel


The Voice panel shows the status of the ringing schedule connected phone lines.

Voice panel

The Voice panel is not available in certain regions.


The Profile panel shows the network profiles configured on your device, if any.

The network profiles are configured by the manufacturer for each device type.

Depending on the network profile selected, additional panels may be displayed in the overview.